Living with Hypersomnia: Sunny’s Story

Sunny did not consider her diagnosis as a major pain, but rather a “major inconvenience,” until she realized how affected her daily life was. Since childhood, Sunny battled to stay awake during the day. She experienced sudden waves of drowsiness and her eyelids feeling heavy, which often would not resolve Read more…

Demystifying Functional Neurological Disorder: Sydney’s Story

Sydney Anne Bennett lives with functional neurological disorder (FND), which is a condition where the brain doesn’t communicate properly with the nervous system. Sydney’s symptoms include chronic pain, hallucinations, loss of taste, trouble sleeping, hand paralysis, seizures, ataxia, muscle spasms, fatigue, and difficulty using her legs. Consequently, after a year Read more…

LoveWarriorHugs on Living With Five Chronic Illnesses

Jamie is a social media chronic illness advocate under the handle @LoveWarriorHugs, but her advocacy extends beyond social media. She is an epilepsy ambassador with the National Epilepsy Foundation, and she’s also been involved in successfully lobbying to change pain management laws in Illinois. Her passion for advocacy stems from Read more…

Managing Somatic Symptom Disorder Inside a Multitude of Chronic Illnesses

Colby has 11 chronic illness and mental health diagnoses. These include chronic pain (currently diagnosed as fibromyalgia), PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), asthma, IBS, eczema, PTSD, depression, anxiety, bipolar, ADHD and somatic symptom disorder. That last diagnosis might be the least well-known of Colby’s illnesses. According to, “somatic symptom disorder Read more…

Transposition of the Great Arteries: My Blood Flows Backwards

Like many babies born with transposition of the great arteries, Amelia was born blue. Her blood was not circulating to her entire body because the two main arteries leading blood away from her heart were switched, sending blood in the wrong direction. She was immediately helicoptered to a larger hospital Read more…

Living with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS)

For Meresa, one of the hardest parts of living with mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS) is the daily uncertainty. She says, “It’s still such an everyday variable disease. It really sucks a lot of the time. It’s really painful. People don’t understand what it is, they don’t always understand what Read more…

Jesse Mercury on Starting the Major Pain Podcast and Seeking a Diagnosis for Mystery Illness

This week on the Major Pain podcast, our host Jesse is interviewed for a change! This interview is taken from a recent rheumatoid arthritis summit hosted by Andrea Dunn. She asks Jesse what inspired him to create the Major Pain podcast, inquires about his health journey and recent diagnosis of Read more…

When Small Fibers Cause Big Problems; Mark’s Mysterious Case of Small Fiber Neuropathy

Mark’s disturbing health problems have been stumping doctors for years. He started having zappy pains in his hands, face and feet, temperature dysregulation, heart rate and dizziness issues. His PCP was quick to blame these symptoms on anxiety, but Mark knew there was something else at work. His gastroenterologist discovered Read more…

Serena’s Duo of Severe Chronic Pain Conditions

Serena has gone to great lengths to uncover the cause of their severe chronic pain. Like many chronic illness patients, they have run into barrier after barrier when seeking care. Serena lives in Tennessee and has been denied for health insurance 5 times. They have also been denied 3 times Read more…

Isobel’s Chronic Illness Chronicle: POTS, SFN, ME/CFS and More

Every time Isobel has a medical test done, she has her fingers crossed that something will come back abnormal. She has been living with flare-ups on and off throughout her life, starting after a severe viral infection when she was 9 years old. Her symptoms include extreme fatigue, dizziness, brain Read more…