Isobel’s Chronic Illness Chronicle: POTS, SFN, ME/CFS and More

Every time Isobel has a medical test done, she has her fingers crossed that something will come back abnormal. She has been living with flare-ups on and off throughout her life, starting after a severe viral infection when she was 9 years old. Her symptoms include extreme fatigue, dizziness, brain Read more…

Author Alexis Kline Discusses Her Chronic Illness and How It Informed Her Latest Book

As a child, Alexis Kline hoped to one day be a professional soccer player. That all changed at 12 years old during soccer tryouts when Alexis started feeling so weak and sore that she needed to visit the doctor. Her soccer dreams were dashed when she was diagnosed with dysautonomia, Read more…

Bekah’s Chronic Illness Was Misdiagnosed As Anxiety for Years

Bekah’s mysterious illness kicked into full gear when they were 14 years old. While cooking food one day they suddenly became extremely hot, fell to the floor and realized they were too weak to get back up. They were overcome by strange neurological sensations, feeling like their arm didn’t belong Read more…

Simon’s Silver Bullet for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

In 2012 Simon was dating a lovely young woman who happened to have mono. She warned Simon against kissing her as she might be contagious, but he threw caution to the wind assuming catching mono would only be a temporary setback. Indeed he did get sick with mono, and was Read more…

Fiction Writer Emma G. Rose Incorporates Chronic Illness Experience in New Novel

In her new novel On the Bank of Oblivion, author Emma G. Rose explores her own history with chronic illness through the lens of contemporary fantasy. At 16 Emma was diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), now referred to as myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME). It all started with a tickle in Read more…

Recovering from Chronic Fatigue/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis with the Post Viral Podcast

Lindsay and Stu met in an online recovery program for myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), more commonly known as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). This is a debilitating disease that encompasses a wide range of symptoms including brain fog, headaches, post exertion malaise, and bone weary exhaustion. While many people (including doctors) often Read more…