Managing Somatic Symptom Disorder Inside a Multitude of Chronic Illnesses

Colby has 11 chronic illness and mental health diagnoses. These include chronic pain (currently diagnosed as fibromyalgia), PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), asthma, IBS, eczema, PTSD, depression, anxiety, bipolar, ADHD and somatic symptom disorder. That last diagnosis might be the least well-known of Colby’s illnesses. According to, “somatic symptom disorder Read more…

Transposition of the Great Arteries: My Blood Flows Backwards

Like many babies born with transposition of the great arteries, Amelia was born blue. Her blood was not circulating to her entire body because the two main arteries leading blood away from her heart were switched, sending blood in the wrong direction. She was immediately helicoptered to a larger hospital Read more…

Unpacking the Rage of 15 Years Living with Chronic Pain

MaKenzie has received a slew of chronic pain and chronic illness diagnoses over the years, including Chiari malformation, lupus, Sjogren’s disease and Hashimoto’s syndrome, but she isn’t focused on her diagnoses. She’s focused on managing the daily impact of her symptoms and the emotional toll this journey has taken. She Read more…

Living with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS)

For Meresa, one of the hardest parts of living with mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS) is the daily uncertainty. She says, “It’s still such an everyday variable disease. It really sucks a lot of the time. It’s really painful. People don’t understand what it is, they don’t always understand what Read more…

Jesse Mercury on Starting the Major Pain Podcast and Seeking a Diagnosis for Mystery Illness

This week on the Major Pain podcast, our host Jesse is interviewed for a change! This interview is taken from a recent rheumatoid arthritis summit hosted by Andrea Dunn. She asks Jesse what inspired him to create the Major Pain podcast, inquires about his health journey and recent diagnosis of Read more…

Living with Collagenous Gastritis

Ezra lives with collagenous gastritis (CG), one of the rarest conditions we’ve ever covered on the Major Pain podcast. Collagenous gastritis is characterized by a buildup of collagen in the digestive tract, which causes bumps or nodules to form. The most common symptoms are abdominal pain and anemia. Ezra has Read more…

My Secret Life of Pain: Marie’s Journey With Pudendal Neuralgia

Marie’s road to developing pudendal neuralgia is long and complicated. Pudendal neuralgia is a chronic pain condition involving damage to the pudendal nerve, which is the main nerve that branches to the genitals. Marie now lives with constant pain that is worsened by sitting, so she is forced to either Read more…

Pituitary Adenoma Surgery: Andi Shares Her Experience

A pituitary adenoma is a tumor on the pituitary gland that secretes prolactin (also called a prolactinoma). For some people these tumors can be harmless and go unnoticed, but for others it can cause severe symptoms. For Andi it caused extreme hormone dysregulation, exhaustion and mental health challenges, including depression, Read more…

When Small Fibers Cause Big Problems; Mark’s Mysterious Case of Small Fiber Neuropathy

Mark’s disturbing health problems have been stumping doctors for years. He started having zappy pains in his hands, face and feet, temperature dysregulation, heart rate and dizziness issues. His PCP was quick to blame these symptoms on anxiety, but Mark knew there was something else at work. His gastroenterologist discovered Read more…

The Testing Is Not Definitive – Cassie’s Pain Journey

Cassie sums up her chronic pain situation by saying, “we know there’s something wrong but we can’t put a name to it because the testing is not definitive.” She experiences chronic joint pain, chronic fatigue, brain fog and arthritic damage with no evidence of inflammation on her imaging. Doctors have Read more…