Complex Regional Pain Disorder: My Pain is like a Petulant Child

Pris is a 4th generation circus performer and entertainer who has worked in costume design and staged weapon play. She grew up as a very physical child, filling her days with dancing, baseball, basketball and more. She was familiar with the feeling of a normal bone break, and the subsequent Read more…

Living with POTS, HEDS, Rapid Gastric Emptying and More

Katherine has been chronically ill her whole life, but didn’t realize it until the situation became debilitating in college. She was always a flexible kid, able to twist, contort and bend in all sorts of unusual ways. In high school she started experiencing chest pain and heart palpitations, but was Read more…

Living with Severe Allergies and Constant Anaphylactic Reactions

Kristy has been dealing with constant anaphylactic reactions since she was 19 years old. The first time it happened was at a restaurant, when she started projectile vomiting for no apparent reason before going into shock. At the emergency room she was accused of drug seeking behavior, even though she Read more…

Living with Two Invisible Conditions: Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos (HEDS) and Autism

Brandy grew up knowing she was different. She struggled both socially and physically, having problems picking up social cues while constantly experiencing injuries and joint dislocations. When seeking help she was disbelieved, shrugged off, or accused of drug seeking behavior. Brandy tried to push through and be strong, but her Read more…

Living with POTS and EDS

Zoe’s life changed dramatically at the beginning of 2021. In rapid succession she contracted Covid-19, suffered a concussion, and came down with mono. These three major stressors on her body caused a massive flare of chronic pain, functional difficulty and POTS symptoms (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome). At first her doctors Read more…

Living with Nontraumatic Spinal Cord Injury and Sjogren’s Syndrome

Towards the end of 2020 Nic’s life took a bizarre turn. He had been a healthy father who enjoyed helping others as an EMT, but suddenly found himself in the midst of his own medical trauma. He started experiencing mysterious weakness and numbness in his legs, soon finding himself unable Read more…

Living with POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome)

Michelle has always known that something in her body wasn’t functioning correctly. Throughout her childhood she sought help from her parents and doctors, but was told over and over that her symptoms weren’t real or serious. It wasn’t until her late 20s that Michelle was finally diagnosed with POTS, or Read more…

Living with the EDS Triad: Ehlers-Danlos, POTS and Mast Cell Disease

As a child, Morgan didn’t realize it was unusual to be in constant pain. She thought it was normal for joints to constantly pop out of place, to be hyper sensitive to foods and environmental factors, and to experience constant dizzy spells with risk of fainting. As she got older Read more…