After Surgery to Remove a Baseball Sized Brain Tumor, Brad Developed Hypertrophic Olivary Degeneration and Ataxia

In 2017 Brad started experiencing multiple falls that became concerning. He went to get checked out and discovered there was a baseball sized tumor growing on his brainstem. This tumor was a meningioma that had been growing for decades, possibly upwards of 30 years. As Brad was rushed to surgery, Read more…

Kaitlyn Tells Us About Living with 14 Chronic Illnesses

Kaitlyn is a 23 year old recent college graduate who has been diagnosed with a whopping 14 chronic illnesses. They include Crohn’s disease, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), prediabetes, psoriasis, hidradenitis suppurativa (HS), dermatographism, chronic hives, dysautonomia, hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (hEDS), postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), vasovagal syncope, cyclic vomiting syndrome Read more…

Jesse Has a Diagnosis!

Jesse finally has a name for his mystery illness, as he was recently diagnosed with mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS). Andi joins him for a discussion on how this diagnosis came to be. They also discuss the progress on Jesse’s small fiber neuropathy examination, disability hearing and first experience having Read more…

MS Advocate Sam Salvaggio Discusses Her Health Journey and Shifting Diagnosis

At 19 years old, Sam Salvaggio had a strange day where her body suddenly felt off. She was woozy, and everything slowed down as if she were moving through molasses. Even though it was a cold day she sweat through all her clothes, then went home and slept for 20 Read more…

An Experimental Cocktail Helped Rohan Recover From Long COVID

Rohan contracted COVID-19 right at the beginning of the pandemic in March of 2020. A few weeks later he suffered a transient ischemic attack (TIA) also called a ministroke as a result of his infection. Although he recovered from the TIA, COVID was another story. His situation deteriorated into long Read more…

Christine’s Mysterious Chronic Pain: Searching for the Underlying Cause

Christine has been experiencing mysterious chronic pain since she was a teenager. It feels like her joints are grinding across each other, occasionally locking up so she cannot move. A few years ago her hip locked up in the middle of the night so she went to the emergency room. Read more…

Surviving Multiple Chronic Illnesses, Surgeries, a Coma and Being Pronounced Dead, Angela B. Brown Feels Blessed to Be Alive

Angela B. Brown has lived through a remarkable amount of health challenges. She says she has been a patient since day one, since she was born with three holes in her heart that have required multiple open-heart surgeries. Her chronic illnesses include a kidney disease called IGA nephropathy, a lung Read more…

Living With Myasthenia Gravis and Endometriosis

Dana experienced medical gaslighting for the first time when they were just 10 years old. A doctor accused them of making up their symptoms for attention, telling Dana’s mother they needed to be disciplined more. Dana promised themself they wouldn’t go back to the doctor unless they absolutely had to, Read more…

Beth Ruffin on Balancing Work Life With Health Challenges

Beth Ruffin owns a consulting business that teaches diversity, equity and inclusion in professional spaces. She focuses on self-empowerment, helping people learn to include themselves. Although Beth is extremely passionate about her work, finding the right work-life balance has been challenging since she lives with three chronic health conditions: fibromyalgia, Read more…

Severe Diverticulitis Almost Claimed Erik’s Life

18 years ago Erik was told he had the beginnings of diverticulitis, a condition characterized by inflammation of small pouches in the digestive tract. From then on he avoided foods like popcorn or seeds that could get caught in these pouches and cause infection. Besides these dietary restrictions, diverticulitis didn’t Read more…