Rho’s Chronic Illness Journey: “It’s Been A Long Difficult Fight”

Rho has a self-described laundry list of diagnoses, and she has had to fight for every single one. Her list includes autism, ADHD, bipolar 2, CPTSD, excoriation disorder, keratoconus, IBS, GERD, chronic kidney disease, tactile allodynia and chronic pain. Along the way she faced constant medical gaslighting and dehumanizing treatment, Read more…

Transposition of the Great Arteries: My Blood Flows Backwards

Like many babies born with transposition of the great arteries, Amelia was born blue. Her blood was not circulating to her entire body because the two main arteries leading blood away from her heart were switched, sending blood in the wrong direction. She was immediately helicoptered to a larger hospital Read more…

Start Your Day with Good Vibes: Musical Morning Affirmations Created by Parents for their Autistic Children

Melissa and Steve are parents to two young boys on the autism spectrum. They had noticed their older son developing a black and white view of good and bad behavior, leading to self-punishment over any perceived mistakes. Melissa has a background in psychology, and wanted to introduce her boys to Read more…

Living with Two Invisible Conditions: Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos (HEDS) and Autism

Brandy grew up knowing she was different. She struggled both socially and physically, having problems picking up social cues while constantly experiencing injuries and joint dislocations. When seeking help she was disbelieved, shrugged off, or accused of drug seeking behavior. Brandy tried to push through and be strong, but her Read more…

Autistic but Undiagnosed: Seeking Answers in Adulthood

Throughout Minna’s childhood she always felt different from her peers, as if everyone else had been given a manual on how to function that she had somehow missed. She struggled with sensory overload and difficulty managing social interaction, constantly needing to excuse herself from class to take breaks. As she Read more…