Tayler’s EDS was Screaming for Attention, But Doctors Ignored It

Looking back through the history of her medical challenges, it becomes painfully obvious that Tayler was born with the connective tissue disease EDS (Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome). Unfortunately, the lack of quality healthcare in her youth prevented this diagnosis for many years. She struggled physically throughout childhood, often being accused of laziness Read more…

Defying the Odds: Danielle’s Journey with Cerebral Palsy

Danielle was born a micro preemie at just 25 weeks, weighing only 1 pound 8 ounces. Diagnosed with cerebral palsy, doctors gave her a .5% chance of living a meaningful life. Alongside cerebral palsy, she also lives with POTS and scoliosis, but this has not stopped her from owning a Read more…

Are Scoliosis, Kyphosis and EDS Connected? Billie’s Twisty Tale

In 5th grade Billie’s classmates were all evaluated for scoliosis, and she was the one person in her entire class who had it. Scoliosis is a condition in which a person’s spine has an irregular curve, and as Billie got older this condition got worse and worse. Her spine was Read more…