Crohn’s Disease and Deep Vein Thrombosis Inspired Douglas To Become a Chinese Medicine Practitioner and Sex Therapist

Throughout his life, Douglas had been plagued by random episodes of fever, but they usually passed on their own and he was able to mostly ignore them. That all changed in his late 20s, when a particularly horrible fever took him to the emergency room. Doctors discovered an infection from Read more…

Level 10 Pain, the Mayo Clinic, Aphasia and Sarcoidosis: Claudia’s Journey So Far

Claudia Alick is an activist and influencer with a transmedia social justice practice, creating spaces for entertainment, education and empowerment by and for marginalized communities. While working as a disability advocate in 2009, Claudia found themself suddenly experiencing what they describe as mysterious level 10 pain, accompanied by mobility issues Read more…

Andi and Jesse’s Adventures with Travel and Covid

Andi and Jesse are back from their month of traveling, but things didn’t quite go as planned. They share stories from their trip to Maine for a wedding, followed by Tahoe where Andi unfortunately came down with covid. Andi shares her frustration with a series of difficult events in her Read more…