Are Scoliosis, Kyphosis and EDS Connected? Billie’s Twisty Tale

In 5th grade Billie’s classmates were all evaluated for scoliosis, and she was the one person in her entire class who had it. Scoliosis is a condition in which a person’s spine has an irregular curve, and as Billie got older this condition got worse and worse. Her spine was Read more…

Cianna’s Journey: How Chronic Illness Changed This 19 Year Old’s Life

Cianna has been a dancer her whole life, saying “as soon as I could walk I was dancing.” Over the past few years chronic illness has altered her life’s course, and frustratingly taken her away from dance. While it has been difficult to leave her life’s passion behind, Cianna has Read more…

Pancreatitis, Small Fiber Neuropathy, MCAS, Sjogren’s and More: Jo’s Health Journey So Far

In 2017, Jo began experiencing intense pain under her rib cage that traveled to her back, as if she was being impaled. She had complained of various pains throughout her life that doctors always brushed off, so at first she had no desire to seek professional help. But after two Read more…

Bekah’s Chronic Illness Was Misdiagnosed As Anxiety for Years

Bekah’s mysterious illness kicked into full gear when they were 14 years old. While cooking food one day they suddenly became extremely hot, fell to the floor and realized they were too weak to get back up. They were overcome by strange neurological sensations, feeling like their arm didn’t belong Read more…