Living with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS)

For Meresa, one of the hardest parts of living with mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS) is the daily uncertainty. She says, “It’s still such an everyday variable disease. It really sucks a lot of the time. It’s really painful. People don’t understand what it is, they don’t always understand what Read more…

Pauline’s Quest for an MCAS Diagnosis

Everybody has mast cells in their body, as they play a critical role in allergic response. Mast cells release mediators to attack allergens, but can sometimes overreact when no allergen is present. This is the case for Pauline, who was recently diagnosed with mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS). Though her Read more…

Living with Severe Allergies and Constant Anaphylactic Reactions

Kristy has been dealing with constant anaphylactic reactions since she was 19 years old. The first time it happened was at a restaurant, when she started projectile vomiting for no apparent reason before going into shock. At the emergency room she was accused of drug seeking behavior, even though she Read more…